Ethics & transparency. Professionalism. Service.

The de'ge'pol German Society for Policy Advice is the registered association of professional interest representatives in Germany. As a professional association, it represents common goals and values. Since 2002, it has stood for ethics, trust and transparency in interest representation.

The de'ge'pol Code of Conduct has been the ethical basis for professional interest representation since 2003. All members are bound by the de'ge'pol statutes to the de'ge'pol Code of Conduct and its contents to truthfulness and transparency.

The code is supplemented by the comprehensive de'ge'pol Catalogue of Criteria for Quality Management, which further elaborates the principles of professionalism in interest representation. In addition to these professional principles, de'ge'pol offers its members events and other services.

Ethics & Transparency.

The de'ge'pol sees a value- and public interest-oriented representation of interests as essential for democracy in Germany and Europe. It promotes civil society participation in the political process. In recent years, it has repeatedly taken positions on questions of ethics, transparency and the regulation of interest representation.

Code of Conduct.

With the de'ge'pol Code of Conduct, the professional ethical basis for interest representation and public affairs communication offline and online has existed since 2003. All members are bound by the de'ge'pol statutes to the de'ge'pol Code of Conduct, compliance with which is checked by a self-monitoring mechanism. Violations can be punished. The code is supplemented by the de'ge'pol catalogue of criteria for quality management.

Lobbying Regulation.

With the Lobby Register Act, a new legal framework for the representation of interests vis-à-vis the Bundestag and the Federal Government will exist at the federal level from 2022. The de'ge'pol provides guidance on the legal framework of the register, the code of conduct and the reprimand procedure. Furthermore Lobbying Regulation on federal and regional level is monitored constantly.

New: The full text of the Lobby Register Act in a reading version can be found here.


Professionalisation of interest representation through exchange, cooperation and quality management have been the goals of de'ge'pol since its foundation.


Our event formats offer members the opportunity to exchange ideas with each other and with politicians as well as experts.

Members’ Directory

All members with their current activities as well as links to their social media profiles can be found in the members' directory. This is currently being revised and will appear in a new form in the future.

Quality management.

In addition to the Code of Conduct, which shapes the quality of interest representation in an ethical dimension, the extensive de'ge'pol Criteria Catalogue on Quality Management was created in an intensive exchange between the members. For members, it is the guideline for the professional organisation of their activities.


All members can communicate their membership to the outside world by using the de'ge'pol seal of approval.


The de'ge'pol offers its members exclusive services related to the practice of the profession. Non-members can use some of these services for a fee.


The de'ge'pol job market provides an overview of vacancies in the field of professional interest representation.


The de'ge'pol salary study 2020/21 will be presented soon. It has been compiled on the basis of a de'ge'pol survey of the interest representation sector.


Soon, de'ge'pol will start a series of tutorials. The online seminars offer the opportunity to deal with the topics of code of conduct or lobby register in more depth.


With the volumes of the de'ge'pol Vademecum you will find orientation in the field of interest representation. Available in German only.


The de'ge'pol is the network of professional interest representatives. The activities of de'ge'pol provide opportunities for exchange on issues of professional practice and on professional topics. In addition, there are direct contacts between members as well as our platforms and networks:


The de'ge'pol COM is the platform for the next generation of public and governmental affairs professionals. Here, young professionals from the last Master's year up to three years of professional experience network. As a platform for young professionals of de'ge'pol, the COM offers everything for a successful entry into the professional field of Public Affairs and Governmental Relations.

The Advisory Board is an impulse generator and discussion forum from the sector for the sector. The advisory board is composed according to the types of policy advisors and public affairs activists represented in de'ge'pol. In this way, it can bring in the entire range of advocacy in exchange with the de'ge'pol executive board members.


The de'ge'pol W is the network for women political consultants. For women of all career levels who work in the field of political consulting, public affairs, government relations etc. in companies, consultancies, associations, NGOs, scientific institutions, political parties and public institutions.

The de'ge'pol Q is the network for queer persons and their allies in public affairs. Diversity and rights if minorities are key issues for democracy.


The de'ge'pol is part of the Europe-wide PACE network and in contact with many European and international public affairs associations.


As a professional association, de'ge'pol is supported by its members. Members can join personally, as a public affairs department or as an entire company. de'ge'pol COM and de'ge'pol W are available as platforms for networking. The membership fee is not only quickly recouped through the services offered by de'ge'pol, but is also generally tax-deductible.

Personal Members.

The personal members of de'ge'pol have several years of professional experience or work in companies in the field of interest representation. They are personally committed to the Code of Conduct. All personal members of de'ge'pol can be found in the directory.

Corporate Members.

Companies in the field of advocacy can join the de'ge'pol as corporate members. They nominate up to five representatives. However, all staff members must be committed to the Code of Conduct. Public affairs departments may also join the de'ge'pol. All corporate members of de'ge'pol can be found in the directory.

de'ge'pol COM Members.

The de'ge'pol COM is the platform for young professionals in Public & Governmental Affairs. The young professionals of this platform are initially supporting members with a lower yearly contribution and become full members after three years.

de'ge'pol W & de'ge'pol Q.

To attend our platform activities, no additional membership is needed.

Become a Member.

Are you convinced by the offers of de'ge'pol? The de'ge'pol is happy to welcome new members. The best thing is to become a member now.


As a professional association, de'ge'pol has represented common goals and values since 2002:

  • Conveying a clear profile of interest representation, policy advice and management to actors in the political field and an interested public;

  • a common professional self-image;

  • Adherence to quality standards and ethical standards;

  • Professionalisation of advocacy through exchange, cooperation and the development of practice-oriented training programmes;

  • Exchange on the technological "state of the art" in the field of interest representation;

  • deepening the exchange at European and international level.

The recognition of democratic principles is the central starting point. Fairness, recognition of others, openness and respect for the democratic rules of the game are the prerequisites for political competition for the best strategies and ideas. It is thus also our goal to advance democracy in Germany and Europe and at the same time to broaden the participation of civil society in the political process.

Executive Board.

The day-to-day business of de'ge'pol is carried out by a seven-member Executive Board. The chairperson, the treasurer and ethics officer as well as five deputy chairpersons perform this task on an honorary basis and without compensation for expenses.


The de'ge'pol itself is also transparent in its activities and provides the usual information on transparency in structural and financial terms: Angaben zur Transparenz.


The statutes of de'ge'pol are kept simple and clear. After all, the life of the association is shaped by its members.


The heart of de'ge'pol is the office. This is where all de'ge'pol activities are coordinated and - with the exception of the work of the platforms - also implemented. The office is available to members and interested parties: