
Political consultants play a mediatory role between economics, politics and the public. Hence, they face a double challenge: Maintaining the interest of the client and respecting the common good when implementing the client’s interests.

The constant transition between the fields of politics, economics and the public sphere thus demands a particular sensitivity and transparency from political con- sultants while carrying out their work.

Against this background, codes of conduct have already been adopted by the So- ciety of European Affairs Professionals (SEAP), based in Brussels, the American Association of Political Consultants (AAPC) and the British Association of Profes- sional Political Consultants (APPC).

In light of the ongoing professionalization of political consulting and in order to send a clear signal of transparency to the public and to clients from the spheres of politics, economics and civil society, the German Association of Political Consult- ants e.V. (de'ge'pol) has produced a distinct code of conduct. Members of de'ge'pol are professionals from the fields of public affairs, policy consulting and campaign consulting.


The Code of Conduct

Political consulting is an integral part of the democratic process. In pursuance of their vocation political consultants respect and advance the principles of interna- tional and national law, in particular the fundamental principles of freedom of speech, the right to information, independence of the media and the protection of individual rights.

Integrity and respect for the democratic rules of the game as well as for the free and democratic constitutional order form the basis of a contest of ideas and con- cepts. By endorsing these values, members of de'ge'pol promote the professional- ization of political consulting.

Members of de'ge'pol commit themselves to upholding the following basic princi- ples in carrying out their professional activities:


A commitment to being truthful to clients, political institutions, the media and the public: de'ge'pol members work solely with information that, to the best of their knowledge, reflects the truth.

Close attention is paid to ensuring transparency and avoiding misinformation re- sulting from false information. In carrying out their professional activities, they disclose the name of their client as long as they are working on their behalf.


A commitment to discretion: Confidential information from current or previous cli- ents is only to be passed on with their express consent.

Furthermore, de'ge'pol members are careful to avoid potential professional con- flicts of interest that result from simultaneously representing directly irreconcilable interests. Clients should be informed about possible conflicts of interest.

No financial incentives

In communicating and realising both their or their client’s interests, de'ge'pol members do not exert any dishonest or illegal influences, especially not via direct or indirect financial incentives.

No discrimination

In their professional activities de'ge'pol members strictly rebuff any form of racist, sexist, religious or other forms of discrimination and refrain from taking part in them.


de'ge'pol members treat clients and colleagues respectfully and are committed to respecting their professional and personal reputations.

Clear separation

While consulting and representing their clients, de'ge'pol members observe a strict separation between their professional activities and their political office, mandate or function.

No disrepute to the profession

Each member ensures that their actions will not bring into disrepute the community of political consultants, political consultancy as a whole or the public image of the de'ge'pol.

By joining the de'ge'pol, its members have accepted and endorsed this Code of Conduct and seek to promote its abidance, circulation and further development.



The de'ge'pol is particularly committed to transparency. In order to fulfil this commitment, de'ge'pol has developed a procedure for the enforcement of its own code of conduct.

1. organs of the procedure de'ge'pol is the supporting organisation of the German Council for Interest Representation (DRIV). This means that the "supreme" body recognised by de'ge'pol for the application of the Code is the DRIV, which is supplemented by the de'ge'pol Executive Committee. This is the decision-making body with regard to steps under association law towards members of de'ge'pol. The basis for this is the de'ge'pol statutes. In the event of a gross violation of the association's principles, the statutes provide for expulsion from the de'ge'pol. According to the statutes, the decision on this is made solely by the executive committee, which is the investigating body. It gathers the facts and brings the case before the DRIV or the Executive Board. The Executive Board appoints an Ethics Officer who serves as a coordinator and contact person for the Board. The Executive Committee appoints an Ethics Officer who serves as a coordinator and contact person for members and outsiders in matters relating to the de'ge'pol Code.

2. Responsibility and procedure

The procedure has two stages.

Stage 1: The procedure before the DRIV.

This procedure ends with an independent, autonomous ruling by the DRIV.

Stage 2: If members of de'ge'pol are affected, the DRIV's ruling serves as a basis for further steps under association law.

2.1 Stage 1: DRIV

If the de'ge'pol is notified of cases of violations of the de'ge'pol code, the de'ge'pol will bring these cases before the DRIV.The appeal to the DRIV can also be made on behalf of a de'ge'pol member in order to demonstrate the harmlessness of its own actions through a council decision. In these proceedings, de'ge'pol can act as the member's counsel after a decision has been made by the board.

2.2 Stage 2: de'ge'pol

If the DRIV has issued a ruling, the de'ge'pol board deals with the further proceedings. The de'ge'pol executive committee draws up a statement of the facts based on the DRIV materials and forwards it to the executive committee, including the council's decision. The decision is taken at a meeting of the executive committee, to which the member concerned must be invited in writing with seven days' notice. The member concerned has the right to comment on the matter; participation and comment by the member concerned are not mandatory prerequisites for the deliberations and resolutions of the Executive Board. Finally, the Executive Board decides on the proposed resolution in a non-public session.

This decision can be made as follows:

The Executive Board can pass the following resolutions with a 2/3 majority:

1. issuing a non-public reprimand in the context of a discussion with the member - in the case of a negligent action that is likely to constitute a violation of the Code (e.g. in the case of becoming public)

2. issuing a public reprimand - in the case of a negligent action that is likely to constitute a violation of the Code (e.g. in the case of becoming public) Issuing a public reprimand - in the case of a negligent act that has already resulted in a breach of the Code

3. Expulsion from de'ge'pol - in the case of a deliberate act which has resulted in a violation of the Code or which has directly harmed de'ge'pol. In the case of a public reprimand or expulsion, this will be made public by the de'ge'pol board on the website and by press release. In any case, the decision of the board is final. There is no provision for an appeal procedure.

(Editorially amended version as of 2019)